Volunteer Telford

Volunteer Telford

Hi, my name is Hannah and I volunteer with families in the community. 

We visit an elderly lady who doesn’t see many people within a week, the common ground is feeding the birds, however it’s a lovely hour well spent chatting, playing and catching up after over time building a friendly relationship. 

I am currently on maternity leave, have always been keen to volunteer and felt this was the perfect opportunity to invest quality time into volunteering. 

Volunteering leaves me with a feeling of fulfilment and knowing that Florence and I are benefiting someone else life. Seeing the vast improvement in Freda who suffers with dementia, depression and anxiety is outstanding, over time we have built a great relationship and the admiration Freda has for Florence is wonderful. I also look forward to explaining to Florence when she is old enough to understand that we both used to volunteer. Hopefully it will help install good morals, a positive outlook and influence with the way Florence views others.