Volunteer Telford

Volunteer Telford

The Chair

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Opportunity Description

The Chair has responsibility for ensuring the constitution is followed, conducting the meetings properly and making sure that decisions are made and acted on.

The Chair will:

Draw up the agenda with the other committee members for both committee meetings and AGMs

Start and finish meetings on time

Ensure that new members are introduced and made to feel welcome

Organise and lead meetings through the agenda

Sign the minutes of the previous meeting when passed as correct

Ensure that sufficient information is available for all items of the agenda to be discussed fully

Share out work and check that decisions are acted on

Ensure that everyone has a chance to share in discussion

In the case of a tied vote the chair has a second vote.

Between meetings:

Keep in regular contact with the other officers and the setting’s manager

Be the nominated person with Ofsted and be the point of contact for safeguarding/ child protection, complaints and staffing issues.

Designated Safeguarding Lead for the committee/setting. Undertake regular Designated Safeguarding Training. Deal with any matters of Safeguarding raised to the manager/committee ensuring they are dealt with, recorded and followed up if necessary.

 Undergo relevant training for child protection and safer recruitment.

Receive monthly bank statements 

Line Manage the Manager– this includes regular support and supervision with the manager and ensure that there are signed records of these meetings. To complete an Annual Appraisal with the manager.

Ensure the Manager completes regular support and supervision on the staff team. That these are recorded and stored on staff files. That any health or well-being concerns are reported back to the Chair.

Discuss the day to day running of the setting with the staff and take their advice on matters concerning the children, the curriculum, equipment, building and any other concerns.

Be aware of current legislation which may affect the running of the setting.

In consultation with staff ensure that Ofsted Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage April 2021 requirements and recommendations (following an Ofsted inspection) are met and that the setting is registered on the appropriate Ofsted Childcare Register (OCR).

Consult with staff regarding the waiting list and ensure this is administered according to the admissions policy.

Ensure that new policies and procedures are written as necessary and existing policies and procedures are reviewed, dated and signed annually.

Be responsible for making sure Disclosure Barring Service Checks are done. That there is a dated Single Central Log that records all committee, staff’s, volunteers/students DBS Checks. The Single central log must be kept up to date.


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