Helping our busy store team to move goods from collection to the shop floor, including sorting items for sale, function testing, health and safety checks of goods in and pricing items.
Suitable for -
Read Easy Telford and Shropshire East is affiliated to Read Easy UK, a national charity that helps adults learn to read and which has nearly 60 groups across England.
Read Easy Telford & Wrekin was established in 2019 and continues to grow to be a highly impactful local group with an increasing number of Reading Pairs (Reading Coach and Reader).
It is run by a hard-working, dedicated group of team members, all of whom are also volunteers.
The group is now seeking a new Literacy Specialist.
Our Literacy Specialists provide support with literacy issues to the Coordinator and Reading Coaches and assist in running the Reading Coach meetings.
Our volunteer Literacy Specialists feel a real sense of pride in giving practical solutions to their Coordinators and Reading Coaches.
The person who takes on this role should have a background in teaching reading/literacy (preferably but not necessarily with adults).
Some volunteer roles require a couple of hours a week, increasing to some that require a commitment of couple of days a week at busy times.
We have regular meetings, using Teams, zoom and some are now face to face.
There is a whole range of support and online resources for all the volunteer roles.
We have a Regional Advisor and head office staff are always helpful too, to provide a great support network.
There is an annual conference which each group is invited to, regular online forums and area forums too, where groups in your area can get together.